.. include:: _contributors.rst .. currentmodule:: skopt .. _changes_0_8_1: Version 0.8.1 ============= **September 2020** - |Fix| GaussianProcessRegressor on sklearn 0.23 normalizes the variance to 1, which needs to reverted on predict. .. _changes_0_8: Version 0.8.0 ============= **September 2020** :mod:`skopt.Optimizer` ---------------------- - |Enhancement| n_jobs support was added to Optimizer and fixed for forest_minimize :pr:`884` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` based on :pr:`627` by :user:`JPN ` :mod:`skopt.plots` ------------------ - |Enhancement| Allow dimension selection for plot_objective and plot_evaluations and add plot_histogram and plot_objective_2D. Plot code has been refactored. :pr:`848` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` based on :pr:`579` by :user:`Hvass-Labs ` :mod:`skopt.sampler` -------------------- - |MajorFeature| Initial sampling generation from latin hypercube, sobol, hammersly and halton is possible and can be set in all optimizers :pr:`835` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - |Enhancement| Improve sampler and add grid sampler :pr:`851` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` :mod:`skopt.searchcv` --------------------- - |Fix| Fix library for scikit-learn >= 0.23. numpy MaskArray is replaced by numpy.ma.array. y_normalize=False has been added and initial runs has been increased. :pr: `939` by :user:`Lucas Plagwitz ` :mod:`skopt.space` ------------------ - |Fix| Fix Integer transform and inverse_transform for normalize :pr:`880` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - |Enhancement| Add `is_constant` property to dimension and `n_constant_dimensions` property to Space :pr:`883` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - |Enhancement| Skip constant dimensions for plot_objective and plot_evaluations to allow plots using BayesSearchCV :pr:`888` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` :mod:`skopt.utils` ------------------ - |Fix| Fix Optimizer for full categorical spaces :pr:`874` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` Miscellaneous ------------- - Improve circle ci :pr:`852` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - Add project toml and adapt minimal numpy, scipy, pyyaml and joblib version in setup.py :pr:`850` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt `