.. include:: _contributors.rst .. currentmodule:: skopt .. _changes_0_7_2: Version 0.7.2 ============= **February 2020** :mod:`skopt.optimizer` ---------------------- - |Feature| update_next() and get_results() added to Optimize and add more examples :pr:`837` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` and :user:`Sigurd Carlsen ` - |Fix| Fix random forest regressor (Add missing min_impurity_decrease) :pr:`829` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` :mod:`skopt.utils` ------------------ - |Enhancement| Add expected_minimum_random_sampling :pr:`830` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - |FIX| Return ordereddict in point_asdict and add some more unit tests. :pr:`840` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - |Enhancement| Added `check_list_types` and `check_dimension_names` :pr:`803` by :user:`Hvass-Labs ` and :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` :mod:`skopt.plots` ------------------ - |Enhancement| Add more parameter to plot_objective and more plot examples :pr:`830` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` and :user:`Sigurd Carlsen ` :mod:`skopt.searchcv` --------------------- - |Fix| Fix searchcv rank (issue #831) :pr:`832` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` :mod:`skopt.space` ------------------ * |Fix| Fix integer normalize by using round() :pr:`830` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` Miscellaneous ------------- * |Fix| Fix doc examples * |Fix| Fix license detection in github :pr:`827` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` * |Enhancement| Add doctest to CI .. _changes_0_7_1: Version 0.7.1 ============= **February 2020** :mod:`skopt.space` ------------------ * |Fix| Fix categorical space (issue #821) :pr:`823` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` * |Enhancement| int can be set as dtype to fix issue #790 :pr:`807` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` * |Feature| New StringEncoder, can be used in Categoricals * Remove string conversion in Identity * |Enhancement| dtype can be set in Integer and Real Miscellaneous ------------- - Sphinx documentation :pr:`809` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - notebooks are replaced by sphinx-gallery :pr:`811` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - Improve sphinx doc :pr:`819` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - Old pdoc scripts are removed and replaced by sphinx :pr:`822` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` .. _changes_0_7: Version 0.7 =========== **January 2020** :mod:`skopt.optimizer` ---------------------- - |Enhancement| Models queue has now a customizable size (model_queue_size). :pr:`803` by :user:`Kajetan Tukendorf ` and :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - |Enhancement| Add log-uniform prior to Integer space :pr:`805` by :user:`Alex Liebscher ` :mod:`skopt.plots` ------------------ - |Enhancement| Support for plotting categorical dimensions :pr:`806` by :user:`jkleint ` :mod:`skopt.searchcv` --------------------- - |Fix| Allow BayesSearchCV to work with sklearn 0.21. :pr:`777` by :user:`Kit Choi ` Miscellaneous ------------- - |Fix| Reduce the amount of deprecation warnings in unit tests :pr:`808` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - |Fix| Reduce the amount of deprecation warnings in unit tests :pr:`802` by :user:`Alex Liebscher ` - joblib instead of sklearn.externals.joblib :pr:`776` by :user:`Vince Jankovics ` - Improve travis CI unit tests (Different sklearn version are checked) :pr:`804` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt ` - Removed `versioneer` support, to keep things simple and to fix pypi deploy :pr:`816` by :user:`Holger Nahrstaedt `