Version 0.5.2 ============= Bug fixes --------- * Separated `n_points` from `n_jobs` in `BayesSearchCV`. * Dimensions now support boolean np.arrays. Maintenance ----------- * `matplotlib` is now an optional requirement (install with `pip install 'scikit-optimize[plots]'`) Version 0.5 =========== High five! New features ------------ * Single element dimension definition, which can be used to fix the value of a dimension during optimization. * `total_iterations` property of `BayesSearchCV` that counts total iterations needed to explore all subspaces. * Add iteration event handler for `BayesSearchCV`, useful for early stopping inside `BayesSearchCV` search loop. * added `utils.use_named_args` decorator to help with unpacking named dimensions when calling an objective function. Bug fixes --------- * Removed redundant estimator fitting inside `BayesSearchCV`. * Fixed the log10 transform for Real dimensions that would lead to values being out of bounds.