The library is still experimental and under heavy development. Checkout the next milestone for the plans for the next release or look at some easy issues to get started contributing.
The development version can be installed through:
git clone
cd scikit-optimize
pip install -e.
Run all tests by executing pytest
in the top level directory.
To only run the subset of tests with short run time, you can use pytest -m 'fast_test'
(pytest -m 'slow_test'
is also possible). To exclude all slow running tests try pytest -m 'not slow_test'
This is implemented using pytest attributes. If a tests runs longer than 1 second, it is marked as slow, else as fast.
All contributors are welcome!
Making a Release¶
The release procedure is almost completely automated. By tagging a new release travis will build all required packages and push them to PyPI. To make a release create a new issue and work through the following checklist:
update the version tag in
update the version tag mentioned in the README
check if the dependencies in
are valid or need unpinningcheck that the
is up to datedid the last build of master succeed?
create a new release
ping conda-forge
Before making a release we usually create a release candidate. If the next
release is v0.X then the release candidate should be tagged v0.Xrc1 in
. Mark a release candidate as a “pre-release”
on GitHub when you tag it.